One-stop commercial dispute service goes online
A one-stop service for resolving international commercial disputes that opened on Wednesday is designed to meet the new demands of the online era and provide fast, convenient and low-cost legal services.
Litigants can access the platform by visiting the website of the China International Commercial Court via computer, or by using their mobile phones to access a mini-program on WeChat, an instant messaging tool that is popular in China.
Domestic and foreign litigants can choose how they want to solve the dispute, whether through mediation, arbitration or litigation, and the platform has both a Chinese and an English version.
The platform, which makes full use of technology-friendly smart courts, also offers other services, like legal searches and ascertaining foreign laws.
The decision to create the platform is an important move by the Supreme People’s Court, China’s top court, to implement policy from the Communist Party of China Central Committee.
The court said on Wednesday that it will continue strengthening the online system to improve its functions and more effectively meet the demands of litigants, offering an efficient, high-quality service for resolving international commercial disputes that enhances the judiciary’s international competitiveness.
News from: China International Commercial Court (CICC)