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Beijing courts to find foreign mediators

Foreign mediators are expected to participate in dispute resolution in Beijing courts to improve the judiciary’s capacity to handle foreign-related affairs, a senior judge from China’s top court said.
“We encourage the participation because foreign mediators are more familiar with laws, customs and trading habits in areas where they’re from, which will help courts across the city better solve foreign-related commercial cases,” said Wang Shumei, chief judge of the Supreme People’s Court’s No 4 Civil Division.
The move was highlighted in a guideline issued by the top court on Friday to facilitate the construction of Beijing’s pilot free trade zone and demonstration zone for further opening up the services sector.
Wang said courts nationwide have seen the number of foreign–related cases grow rapidly, adding that Chinese courts heard 22,330 such disputes last year, up 3 percent year-on-year.
She said Beijing courts need to strengthen their capacity to deal with foreign-related affairs, “as the city is the country’s international exchange center, and the establishment of the two zones brings about new and higher requirements for the judiciary in this area”.
While calling for the judiciary to strengthen its ability to resolve international commercial disputes by means including mediation or arbitration, she also urged Beijing courts to do more work with colleges and institutes to enhance the application of international law and explore new education channels to develop international expertise in the judiciary.

News from: Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China. 



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