How to check the real identity of company
1. Did company have bad record? you can check on the website of Supreme People’s Court of People’s Republic of China, you will find a column “person against who a judgment or order is being executed”, “report center of the Judge who violate the law or discipline”, then click this column, you will see the columns of “person against who a judgment or order is being executed, the identification of card number, organization code of company, the range of enforce courts”, then you input the company’s Chinese name ; and click inquiry, then you can see result, if this company had lawsuit, and did not obey Court judgment or order, then it would be recorded. This information is very important for bank loan examination, if bank want to lend money for borrower, it shall check firstly, if borrower have bad record, bank will not lend money to such company. But this is only supported by Chinese version, English version is not supported.
2. Investigate from local industrial and commercial bureau(ICB), however only lawyer and judicial personal have power to investigate. From the documents obtained from ICB, You can see company’s address, establish date, legal representative, business period, register capital, range of business. Company share holders, and invested capital, time of investment, percentage of contribution, mode of contribution; article of incorporation, report of capital verification issued by public accountant; we can check the real status company, such as business place, rented or self-owned, area of business place; rented period, etc.